For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
(2 Corinthians 4:6)
We serve the kingdom of God by proclaiming the light and love of Jesus Christ into the world, and we’ll do that any way we can!
Women’s Ministries
We have several Ladies circles that focus on everything from missions to knitting, and several areas in between! Come find out where you can help serve others and fellowship with some wonderful women of God at the same time!
Additional Ministries
God’s Handy Helpers – This group seeks to demonstrate the love of Jesus through service to others in such things as seasonal yard work, light carpentry, and other special tasks. No experience necessary, just a willing heart!
FAITH Riders – FBCH is currently in the process of starting up a motorcycle ministry through FAITH Riders, a national group of chapters united by a love of Jesus and a love of motorcycles. Once activated, we’ll join in rides coupled with devotions, other activities, and help support the group’s exciting evangelistic efforts at the annual Daytona and Sturgis Bike Rallies.
Donations – We collect donations year-round for such ministries and missions as the local food pantry (hosted at the First Methodist Church), Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, a children’s backpack ministry, and more. Check our bulletin or Facebook page for current needs and targeted collections.